Artist Arlette Lucero
Arlette Lucero Biography
I am a professional visual artist in Denver, Colorado. My paintings and sculptures are visual poetic expressions of my emotions, feeling and desires. Using a combination of realism, symbolism and vibrant colors, I try to capture the sensual mystery of my original concept. My pieces are illustration of stories, poems, and personal obsessions. As a woman, I love to paint beautiful women of timeless ages in endless time. They are the Goddesses of many cultures or simple mothers.
Sometimes my painted images are powerful Icons. They are readily recognized as having some well-known significance or embody certain qualities that represent something else of greater significance associated with religious, cultural, or political statements. My favorite example would be “Chicana” It is a symbolic painting representing the unification of diversity within a single woman. She is an American first with cultures of Mexican, American Indian, and Spanish within her spirit and body. She is a warrior, proud of her heritage and free to be all who she is. The tree symbolizes the roots from which her cultures emerge. The Chicana holds her religious spirituality and faith in her hands and in her mind at all times, even as Huitzilopochtli, in the form of the hummingbird, whispers of her Aztec origins.
Other forms of fine art that I do are mask making, sculptures, mixed media, collage, tin, digital art and photography. Sometimes they are whimsical and fun. Sometimes they are contain deeper images to be individually contemplated on.
As a professional artist, I also have extensive experience doing commercial art. I have free-lanced as a Graphic Artist working with many clients making for them web pages, company logos, posters, prints, fliers, postcards, brochures, catalogs, advertisements, magazine covers, CD labels, T-shirt and other souvenir items, art pages, and Christmas cards. My favorite commercial art projects have been illustrating children books. I have three published books and am illustrating two others.
I am one of the lucky artists who get to teach art to children. I have done this through my Art Teacher jobs at Escuela de Guadalupe, Voz y Corazon and Journey Through our Heritage, ArtStreet ArtReach and as well as many other schools, organizations, small companies and institutions that are available through my community of Denver. Working with children is my greatest joy.
I work with a variety of mediums and styles when creating my own artwork for sale in local galleries. I am able to teach even more mediums and styles when working with children. I love to integrate school curriculum into the art projects when at all possible. Many times I am called to make a Mural with elementary school children. The murals are permanent fixtures at the school, group home, or center. Also, on my own, I designed and painted a very large Mural for the Escuela de Guadalupe's library with the title “Compassionate Leadership” with over thirty portraits.