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Illustrations for Biscochitos for Mis

Jitos and Other

Tummy Tales

This was a book called "Biscochitos for Mis Jitos and other Tummy Tales"  Illustrated by me, Arlette Lucero.  This book has thirteen stories, each with a recipe and is written by different authors.  The stories were compiled by my good friends Renee Fajardo and Carl Ruby and edited by Ed Winograd. It was published by Jem Books in Arvada, CO

My Chldhood Memories of Santiaga

My Chldhood Memories of Santiaga

Mom's Dinner Surprise

Mom's Dinner Surprise

Biscochitos for mis Jitos

Biscochitos for mis Jitos

Our Family Angel

Our Family Angel

Our First Julbord

Our First Julbord

Love and Biscochitos

Love and Biscochitos

Leah's Latkes

Leah's Latkes

Kolache Philosophy

Kolache Philosophy

Well Schooled

Well Schooled

Agosto is Chili Time!

Agosto is Chili Time!

As American As...

As American As...

Being Juiced Up

Being Juiced Up

Mema's Biscotti

Mema's Biscotti

© 2014 by Arlette Lucero. Please ask if you would like to use images.  Proudly created with

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