Artist Arlette Lucero
Arlette Lucero Education Resume
I am an experienced artist teacher, painter and muralist, guides students to create their own murals, or do crafty cultural workshops such as Dia de los Muertos projects, tin retablos, and mask making.
Professional Experience for Art Education:
CHAC Gallery - The Chicano Humanities & Arts Council (CHAC) is a consortium of artists, cultural workers, individuals, and organizations dedicated to the preservation and promotion of Chicano/Latino culture in the state of Colorado.
Executive Director: Brenda Gurule 303-571-0440 brenda@chacgallery.org
Education Director September 2019 - Currently
Escuela De Guadalupe - A community-based, financially accessible K-5 school of excellence that develops compassionate leaders for the world of tomorrow. It focuses on providing a quality dual-language education, rooted in Catholic values. Located in Denver, CO
Principal: Mariella Robledo – 303- 964-8456 mariella_robledo@escuelaguadalupe.org Website: www.escuelaguadalupe.org
Art Teacher September 2006 – 2014
ArtReach - An organization that exists to ensure people of all ages who struggle with physical, mental, behavioral or severe economic challenges have an opportunity to experience arts and culture. Located in Denver, CO.
Executive Director: Karla Johnson-Grimes 303 433-2882 or email info@artreach.org Website: www.artreachdenver.org
Ongoing since Spring 2003 Artist Educator to guide students K-12 in creating extended art projects. Various workshops include Murals, Drawing, Mask Making, Mosaic Tile Murals, Sculpture, Collage Paintings, Watercolor, and Native American crafts.
JTOH Journey Through Our Heritage – An organization that promotes self empowerment, develops leaders and engages students with community by increasing their cultural and historical knowledge base through involvement in healthy competition, rigorous academic study and community service, through the use of history, creative arts, language, and cultural art. Located in Denver, CO
Program Coordinator: Renee Fajardo 303-556-3032 or email efajard3@msudenver.edu
Website http://www.mscd.edu/journey/
Ongoing since Fall 2011 doing various projects and working with the Mentors
Voz y Corazon – The program stresses self-empowerment through culturally relevant art and health activities. The young, brown and proud youth create artwork to explore their own strengths and bring awareness about suicide prevention to their community. Located in Denver, CO
Program Director at Sister's of Color: Kathryn Harris 303-446-8800 email finance@socue.org Website: www.sistersofcolorunited.org/voz.htm
Ongoing since April 2011 – Teacher Artist at Sister's of Color
Spring 2006 Artist Teacher at Arrupe Jesuit High School
ArtReach - An organization that exists to ensure people of all ages who struggle with physical, mental, behavioral or severe economic challenges have an opportunity to experience arts and culture. Located in Denver, CO.
Executive Director: Karla Johnson-Grimes 303 433-2882 or email info@artreach.org Website: www.artreachdenver.org
Ongoing since Spring 2003 Artist Educator to guide students K-12 in creating extended art projects. Various workshops include Murals, Drawing, Mask Making, Mosaic Tile Murals, Sculpture, Collage Paintings, Watercolor, and Native American crafts.
Colorado Folks Arts Council – An organization to create and encourage the expression of ethnic history as expressed in the folk arts. Located in Westminster, CO.
Project Director: Renee Fajardo 720-329-0869 reneefaja@hotmail.com
Ongoing since Fall 2004 Artist Teacher to guide students K-12 in creating various extended art projects for display or to keep. Projects include Dia de los Muertos workshops, Murals, Mosaic Tile Murals and Sculpture.
Escuela Tlatelolco Centro de Estudios – A Montessori through High School that facilitates an educational community/family environment and institution dedicated to the empowerment of La Raza Indigena as a global humanitarian in the struggle for self-determination. Located in Denver, CO
President: Nita Gonzales 303-964-8993 email et@escuelatlatelolco.org
Website: http://www.escuelatlatelolco.org
Art Teacher from January 2011 – January 2012
Museo de las Americas – A museum that is dedicated to educating our community through collecting, preserving, interpreting and exhibiting the diverse arts and cultures of the Americas from ancient to contemporary, through innovative exhibitions and programs. Located in Denver, CO
Current Director of Museo de las Americas: Maruca Salazar
Education Director: Director of Operations: Claudia Moran, who was the Educational Director when I was working there 303-571-4401 email administration@museo.org
Website: www.museo.org
Fall 2005 - Spring 2011 Artist Teacher of a variety of Latin American and indigenous workshops for K-12 in the Denver and surrounding area.
Mizel Center for Arts and Culture – The Summer Art Academy is committed to the highest standards of creative training for young people. Located in Denver, CO Website:www.mizelcenter.org
Education Director - Roberta Bloom 303-316-6319 rbloom@jccdenver.org
Fall 2006 and Spring 2007 - Two hour workshops “Art Equation” for 3rd-8th graders
Summer 2005 and Summer 2006 – Art Educator for 1st – 3rd and 3rd -6th graders to create various art projects. Projects included are: Beginning Drawing, Multicultural classes and Scenic Murals.
ArtsStreet – A job-training program through the Denver’s Mayor’s Office of Workforce Development that uses the arts to engage adolescents in the acquisition of life and workplace skills. Located in Denver.
Stella Yu – Executive Director Stella.Yu@arts-street.org Website: www.arts-street.org
Job included: interviewing, mentoring to design and create an art project for a client commission in a work atmosphere, and evaluating apprentices ages 14-21.
Summer 2004 – “Fabric Art” Tapestry project for the Denver Community Court in Denver, Co
Spring 2004 – Graffiti Art” Graffiti style spray paint art on two vehicles for City Wild in Denver
Summer 2003 – “Private Collection” Design and create thirty paintings for the Department of Human Services in Denver, Co
Summer 2002 - “Youth Opportunities” An 8’x20’ mural commissioned by the Mayor’s Workforce Development in Denver, Co
Summer 2000 - “Into a Child’s Mind” A touchable ceramic, mosaic, and stone mural commissioned by the Department of Human Services in Denver, Co
Summer 1999 - “People and Places of the World” A 8’x20’ mural commissioned by the Department of Human Services in Denver, CO
Other Organizations - I have done one day or long- term education projects for Westwood Neighborhood Association, Bryant – Webster Elementary after school program, Beacon Neighborhood Center, Standing Taller, KidzArt, Citizens for Lakewood’s Future, Mizel Museum, The Bridge Project, Butterfly Hope, CHAC Chicano Humanities and Arts Council, Denver Art Museum, and Denver Museum of Nature and Science. All are in Denver, CO
Too many one day seminars in education and management to list
Graphic Communications Technology at Community College of Denver in Denver, CO
Certificates for “How Computers Work”, “Fix Your Own PC” and “Build Your Own PC” from StorageTek through Mi Casa in Denver, CO
BFA in Fine Art and Sciences at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, CO
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